Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday Funday

I completely forgot to post anything for London on Sunday. We started the day at St Paul's for service. It was fantastic, as expected. The acoustics were amazing. We left there and went to the Tower of London to pick up tickets for everyone to use throughout the week. Then we separated from the group and Michelle and I went to Speaker's Corner, over by Marble Arch. I'll admit, I didn't have the highest of expectations for this, but it was remarkable.

Basically, since the 1800's, people have been going to this particular area on Sunday afternoons and "preaching/talking" about whatever topic they desire. The audience talks back. On Sunday when we were there, there was a Christian talking about Muslims and wife-beating, a Muslim talking about alcohol drinking, a woman talking about finding peace without religion, and another man who was discussing the coming period of peace. It was quite interesting. The audience took part far more than I was expecting. It was also remarkably civil.

Pics from Speaker's Corner.

Here's a link to the entire day.

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