Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Three in Denver

We spent most of the day on the floor in the exhibit hall. The kids and I had to speak at three different presentations for Th(i)nk Ed (which used to be SchoolCenter). We have 3 more today and then we are done and I can get some real conferencing going. Honestly, I've been feeling like I have not been able to make the most of my conference time as 2 of the 3 presentations we are doing conflict with concurrent sessions. I am still able to attend a lot of sessions in which I am interested, but I want to be sure I am a good steward of the money Putnam City is spending to send me here!

So, at 11 o'clock I'll be learning about Web 2.0 tools to make my classroom more engaging for my students! I'm going to be thinking about accreditation this evening which will be probably WAY over my head, we'll see. Tomorrow will be another day of sessions and a full one at that. I know, I know, this is a TRAVEL blog and I'm talking about my conference. We'll be on the road again in a day or two and we'll be posting more pics.

Michelle and the kids are heading to the Twilight premiere tonight. Maybe they'll post some pics of the excitement!

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